Personal Leadership, Towards Mastering your Own Self | Fellowship
In the first day of the VLR (virtual leadership retreat) of Al Sharq Fellowship program, which marks the end of the first phase of the program. The day consisted of 4 sessions/workshops with the theme of personal leadership. It started with Peter Riddell, Programme Coordinator at Initiatives of Change UK, looking back session which reflected on significant life-changing experiences or turning points in participants’ life journey. To then continue with Mohammad Hegazy, Fellowship Program Lead, workshop on understanding the hidden biases in the decision-making process, the workshop meant to be bridging the abstracts into personnel questions of role in society, ethics and morality, biases, and decision making. In addition, the fundamental concept of leadership. The third session was with Later we moved to Bhavesh Patel’s, trainer and facilitator, session on finding your inner calling which aimed to help finding the purpose and calling while exploring the drive and motivation that lie deep in each one of us. Inner and outer change. The first day concluded with a workshop on “Life Visioning and Planning” by Dr. Tareq Suwaidan which aimed to tackle the practical aspect of life visioning, writing a personal statement, and learning of periodic life planning.